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  • Childhood Freedom

    One of my favorite shots from my cousins Heidi's wedding.  This is one of my nieces playing in my aunt's backyard.  I'm really pleased with how the exposure in this photograph and others that I took during this trip.   I had just replaced the battery in my camera's meter which just reiterates that I need a new one now.  I should have used this one in the recent Farktography Portraiture contest. 

    09-20-2006, 7:32 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Almost at one month of Photos

    I'm one week out from posting a photograph a day.  The past couple weeks have been filled with digging though boxes in the attic, cleaning negatives, scanning and attempting to remember when I took these pictures.   Most of them I'll only be able to narrow down to a season and a year, like spring 1996 for all my slides that I toke in college.  Others I have a petty good idea that they are Dec 25, but I don't know the year. 

    One thing I've learned is that I need to go buy some good film.   I've shot three rolls of film and developed two of them.  This is film that's been sitting in my camera bag for a couple years.   Something is wrong with it.   I've still got 5 or 6 rolls left to use up but I'm not sure I want to wait until they are gone before shooting a roll with some brand new high quality 35mm film.   Also I need to check the battery in my camera light meter, it's only a couple bucks to replace and it will give me piece of mind that the metering is correct (since it seems that everything I've done lately is underexposed)

    I've been looking at digital SLR cameras on the Internet toying with the idea of picking one up.   Pentax does have a few DSLR camera, but I'm just not as impressed with them as I am with the Cannons.  I would like to get a nice I just can't justify the price.  I just purchased a nice 7 mega-pixel point and shoot camera for my wife and with Christmas coming in a few months I'll just have to save, wait and hint

    One thing that has vastly improved in this experiment is my scanning abilities.  At first I though it was nothing more then putting the print or negative on the scanner and pushing a button.  Now I've learned the hard way about keeping your scanner and scannie clean and how to correct all the underexposed negatives.  

    Next updating my blog software with a custom theme and finding a better format for my posts. 

    09-20-2006, 3:38 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • BWCA Nose Surfing


    A little nose surfing in the BWCA. 

    09-19-2006, 7:53 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Dirty Bath

    Dirty Bath

    The basement of my parents house flooding in the spring of 1997.  After we pumped the water out this is what we found in the bathroom.   My father, thinking that the sewer would back up, disconnected the toilet and plugged the drain,  no the toilet didn't float into the tube.   That was some of the nastiest water I've ever seen.

    09-18-2006, 7:14 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Bark!



    There are some pictures that I find that make me wonder WTF I was thinking when I took that.   After a little reflection on this one I think that I needed a couple "texture" shots for my college photography class.   It's still a neat picture. 

    09-17-2006, 7:19 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Slimy Creak

    Slimy Creak

    This pictures from a roll I shot earlier this month in Lake Benson park.  This is a creak that flows into the lake.   It was filled with turtles but by the time I took this picture we had scared them all away.

    09-16-2006, 6:48 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Long exposure from the dash of my car at 55 MPH

    Long exposure from the dash of my car at 55 MPH


    Something about this picture makes me laugh.  If I remember correctly I just placed the camera on my dash and hand hold the camera for about 30 seconds as I was driving.  You can tell I hit a couple bumps in the road.

    09-15-2006, 7:04 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Day Break

    Day Break


    I'm going for three pictures for this weeks Farktography contest.  This one and two others Morning Calm and Purple Sky.  All three were taken one day I went into work early to finish off a roll of film. 

    09-14-2006, 4:00 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Desert Penguin visits Virginia


    Last known spotting of the Desert Penguin.  Here's a photograph I took geocaching back in March 2003.  I finally scanned the photo and uploaded it to geocaching.com,  unfortunately it looks like whoever grabbed him after us kept him.

    09-13-2006, 5:54 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Dacotah Restaurant

    Dacotah Restaurant


    This photo shows the waterline on the glass windows of the Dacotah Restaurant in down town Grand Forks right after the water went down.   In the reflection you can see the pile of ruble from the big pink building that started the fires. 

    09-12-2006, 6:46 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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