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  • Spider in the bushes



    This spider has been hidding in the bushes in front of our house for a couple weeks now.   It looks scary but apparently it's harmless (except to insects)

    09-01-2006, 5:32 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Canoeing at Sunset


    Heading back to camp after some fishing in the BWCA.

    08-31-2006, 8:01 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Farktography #69

    See How my entry is doing:

    This isn't going to count for my image of the day today.  I'll find an other one for tonight.

    08-31-2006, 9:55 AM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Downtown



    The picture was taken in the first part of 1996,  a year before the building on the left burned to the ground, along with other more important building in downtown Grand Forks.  There where some water spots on the slide this was scanned from.   This was taken around 2am when I was working late one night.  I remember that it was so cold that the focus ring on the lens was difficult to move.   The exposure was about one minute long.

    08-30-2006, 7:48 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Nowhere North Dakota

    Nowhere North Dakota


    The photo was taken in spring 1997 when I was an evacuee during the flood of 1997.   I spent a bit of time exploring the back roads of North Dakota around Mayville.  I'm a little more pleased with the quality of the scan of this negative but there are a few specks and spots on the negative.  It was near 100 degrees in North Carolina(my new home) today and I've got to find some of my pictures of a good northern plains winter to cool myself off.


    I finally loaded up some film in my trusty Pentax K1000.  I don't know how old it is, so I'm going to treat it purely as a practice roll and just shoot a bunch of pictures to get the hang of it again.  I've got about 7 rolls of unexposed film to play around with.  I wish I had my camera a couple weeks ago when we where up on the blue ridge parkway.  I'll remember to bring it next time. 

    08-29-2006, 7:31 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • An Odd Formation

    Granite Sculpture


    I need some motivation to branch out (or back) to some of the creative outlets of my past.  I just got myself a scanner and I've been digging though my old photographs.   I'm going to try to post one a day.   Hopefully by the time I run out of old ones I'll have plenty of new ones.

    Looking at this I think I adjusted the color too much when I scanned it.  The sky should be a brilliant blue.  I must have been only looking at the sculpture when I adjusted the histogram.   I have a lot to learn about the scanner but It does an excellent job.

    08-28-2006, 9:38 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • South Washington Street

    One of my favorite photographs that I have taken.


    South Washington Street Long exposure

    South Washington


    Taken from the median on South Washington Street in Grand Forks, ND (By Hugo's #2) looking north.  Sometime during the spring semester 1996.

    08-27-2006, 4:46 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • Fan Site Kits

    Some links to Fan Site Kits that may be useful for my clans web site:

    [Attempting to post for the 2nd time]

    08-16-2006, 1:31 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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  • The clay dude

    I just got windows live writer  so this is a test post.

    The Dude

    I made this clay dude way back in the day when I dreamed of making claymation.  I learned two things from that. 

    1. I don't have natural talent for sculpture
    2. Clay get dirty in a dusty house.
    08-14-2006, 6:17 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
  • CS SubDomains

    Because I can never find this post when I'm looking for it:

    Copied from:

    CS Subdomains

    Timothy Humphrey has release a very nice Community Server add-on which enables you to quickly and easily setup blogs/forums/etc as individual subdomains.

    The SubdomainModule class internally redirects specific urls to specific portions of Community Server; it can also intercept links before they are rendered and change them to appear to be within the subdomain url used to access the page. The net effect is that a portion of Community Server can be isolated from the entire community and appear to be a standalone application while unaffecting the rest of the community.

    For example, normally blogs are stored under the blogs/(blog) directory, where (blog) is the blog name. To access a blog named "personal" you would normally use http://server.com/blogs/personal. With the SubdomainModule class you could have a subdomain called "personal" that points to this url and access it with the following url, http://personal.server.com.

    You can download the add-on here.

    05-11-2006, 12:28 PM by Carsinigin to Carsinigin
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