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6 Best Free Game tools:
HLSL Tutorials: http://www.riemers.net/eng/Tutorials/XNA/Csharp/series3.php
3D Modeler: Blender
Well I guess I wasn't paying attention to the announcements about this. Microsoft is releasing a USB adaptor that you can plug into your XP or Vista PC and then connect your Wireless 360 accessories. The best news about this is the prices is only $20. I'm surprised the XNA community hasn't been posting more about this. ...
I almost look like Sam Fisher.
Published with BlogMailr
A Happy Tuesday is any Tuesday that a new video game hits the store shelves. For years they (whoever they happened to be) have trained us video gamers that new games come out on Tuesday, and for the most part games would be on the shelf sometime late Tuesday morning or afternoon (depending on when the UPS truck delivered to the store). On ...
Some links to Fan Site Kits that may be useful for my clans web site: Battlefield2:AF Battlefield2 PDZ WOW Mechassult 2 RavenSheild Ghost Recon WebKit 1 and WebKit 2 Gears of War Splitter Cell Animated GIFs [Attempting to post for the 2nd time]
The Zbuffer has a short artical on replacements to DirectPlay.
This looks like a good group of PC gamers that I need to check out. Thier forum is a good read
A link from Penny Arcade pointed me to the website for Amon Tobin, who has created the soundtrack for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. One of the songs is an MP3 the rest are in real format.
That reminds me to fix my Real Alternative. So I can hear the rest.
Blizzard Links
Main Site(Official)
User Interface Customization tool
WoW Chrismas MP3
Official forums
Usefull information links
Thott Bot
Wow Allakhazam
There is an update to Clan Tools. This looks like it may have some interesting features that may be usefull.