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The photo was taken in spring 1997 when I was an evacuee during the flood of 1997. I spent a bit of time exploring the back roads of North Dakota around Mayville. I'm a little more pleased with the quality of the scan of this negative but there are a few specks and spots on the negative. It was near 100 ...
I need some motivation to branch out (or back) to some of the creative outlets of my past. I just got myself a scanner and I've been digging though my old photographs. I'm going to try to post one a day. Hopefully by the time I run out of old ones I'll have plenty of new ones.
Looking at this I think ...
One of my favorite photographs that I have taken.
South Washington Street Long exposure
Taken from the median on South Washington Street in Grand Forks, ND (By Hugo's #2) looking north. Sometime during the spring semester 1996.