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  • Vision for GamerScoreGoal.com

    I set a goal for 2007 of getting a total of 20,000 Gamerscore on my Xbox 360.  The last couple months I have become obsessed with reaching my goal and I needed a good way to track my progress.   I was also coveting the API Samurai badge on 360voice.com, you know that place where you Xbox 360 blogs about what games you have played.  That and ...
    Posted to Carsinigin (Weblog) by Carsinigin on November 14, 2007
  • I had a bad feeling.

    An update to the 360voice main blog back on Oct 24th had a comment that they were working on a new feature.   I had a sinking feeling that it would be related to what I was doing at Gamerscoregoal.com.  360Voice.com has announced their new Challenge system.   It's a system were you invite a few of your friends to a timed Gamerscore ...
    Posted to Carsinigin (Weblog) by Carsinigin on November 9, 2007
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